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Rivalry as a strategy in PR

Why stay neutral when you can stand out? Highlighting a rival has actually been shown to be an effective way of creating engagement and building a stronger relationship with your audience. McDonald’s and Burger King, Coke and Pepsi, Apple and Microsoft – they’ve all shown that rivalry can be a success factor. So ask a PR agency to assist, and look for a suitable rival as soon as you can! Or is it better to be cautious, in spite of everything?

Rivalry engages people and gets them talking

A rival is more than a competitor – it’s someone who gets a lot of people to react, choose a side and talk about you both. A classic example in the way Pepsi and Coca-Cola attacked each other in the seventies. Pepsi challenged Coca-Cola, among others, to a blind test, won and used the results to launch a campaign that attracted massive attention. More people could benefit from that kind of energy.

Studies show that this works. In an analysis of 1.5 million tweets from iconic rivals such as McDonald’s and Burger King it was discovered that posts targeted at rivals generated more likes and retweets. People are quite simply more engaged when there’s a clear – and entertaining – rivalry.

How can you turn rivalry into a strategy?

  1. Choose your rival carefully. Discuss with your PR agency which rival can best create engagement. It’s a matter of finding an opponent your target group feels relevant and interesting.
  2. Formulate a smart and balanced message. A mix of humour and edginess often works best. Be prepared to stand out, but maintain a tone that comes across as professional and is respectful. Doing so builds credibility – but don’t forget about the humour. A PR agency can help in fine-tuning the message.
  3. Adapt the strategy to the platform. There are a number of channels that can be suitable, everything from traditional media to Instagram. A well-planned PR strategy should take account of the strengths and weaknesses of each channel, and be chosen according to the target group.
  4. Don’t forget the ethical aspect. There are some pretty substantial pitfalls here. You probably haven’t thought about making the Swedish Cancer Society your rival, but even if your rival is another company you need to consider whether it’s ethical. A company can tolerate being criticised by its competitor, but lies and personal attacks are not OK.

Not just for loyal customers

What makes rivalry so interesting is that it doesn’t just engage loyal customers. Research shows that a neutral audience – those who aren’t already fans of the brand – are also positively influenced by this kind of communication. This represents an opportunity to reach a broader target group and attract new customers.

So rivalry is a strategy with great potential. By combining creativity with strategic thinking and support from a skilled PR agency it’s possible to create campaigns that stand out and build both engagement and brand strength. Who might your ideal opponent be?


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